Cade a terra e lo smartphone gli salva la vita


Bob Burdett è un utente smartwatch che si è trovato la vita salvata dal suo device.

Dopo aver perso i sensi battendo la testa in modo grave, l’uomo è stata letteralmente salvato dall’Apple Watch che ha chiamato i soccorsi e avvertito addirittura la famiglia.

L’ennesimo caso di una vita salvata dallo smartwatch Apple, device che punta moltissimo sul lato medico e che è stato capace di verificare lo stato di salute alterato dell’uomo chiamando immediatamente i soccorsi e geolocalizzandolo.

Negli USA l’Apple Watch è considerato un vero e proprio dispositivo medico, e l’ha dimostrato più di una volta.

La funzione che rileva le cadute è stata cruciale per salvare la vita all’uomo che può davvero ringraziare Apple e il suo Apple Watch se oggi può scrivere la notizia che sta facendo il giro del mondo.

Ecco il post originale dove viene spiegato l’accaduto:

PSA: Last Sunday while trying to meet up with my dad for some mountain biking in Riverside State Park (MTB in RSP), I get a text from dad’s Apple Watch letting me know it “detected a Hard Fall” with a map to his location. It was not far from our meeting spot. We drove straight there—but he was gone when we arrived. I get another update from the watch saying his location has changed with a map location of SHMC. Dad flipped his bike at the bottom of Doomsday, hit his head and was knocked out until sometime during the ambulance ride. The watch had called 911 with his location and EMS had him scooped up and to the hospital in under a 1/2 hr. The fire dept. took his bike back to the station. My brother was already driving by the the hospital when the second update came in and was able to be with him right away. Dad is doing great, clear X-Rays and CT scan, but a little sore for sure! IF YOU OWN AN APPLE WATCH, set up your HARD FALL detection—it’s not just for when you fall off a roof or a ladder. Had he fallen somewhere on the High Drive trails or another remote area, the location would have clued EMS in on where to find him. Amazing technology and so glad he had it!


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